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Re: Visiting Asheville -- targets

Probably the easiest place in the Asheville area for Swainson's Warbler is
the Blue Wall Preserve in Landrum, SC, where they are usually quite common
by mid April. For directions check out the Palmeto Trail website:

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC

----- Original Message -----
From: <cdorsey@suscom-maine.net>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 5:31 PM
Subject: Visiting Asheville -- targets

> Carolinabirders,
> Thanks for the input I've gotten on my post from yesterday about a
> visit to Asheville from the 13-19th. As some have helpfully pointed
> out, I forgot to include a list of our specific target birds on this trip.
> This list is below, in order of preference:
> Swainson's Warbler
> Yellow-throated Warbler
> Kentucky Warbler
> Hooded Warbler
> White-eyed Vireo
> Golden-winged Warbler
> Cerulean Warbler
> Worm-eating Warbler
> Thanks for your helpful suggestions -- I'd love any advice you can
> give me regarding finding these species within an hour or two of
> Asheville, NC.
> --Chad Dorsey
> cdorsey@suscom-maine.net
> Brunswick, ME