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Barred Owl

I was listening for spring migrants in the predawn light in Kilborne
Park of East Charlotte on 4/11/02, when I looked up on a limb about 8
feet above me. A large
Barred owl was silently observing me and other more important things.
He flew to another perch in near perfect silence,  then to the side of
an large oak where with wings fluttering he grabbed something, a vole
perhaps, and flew back to the second perch.  In his silhouette I could
see him consuming pieces of this animal.

I mostly heard robins,wrens, titmouses and cardinals this morning, but
soon hope to hear some thrushs, ovenbirds and peewees in these woods as
I have heard before. The park is in the same block where I live. We have
had a Coopers and Broad Wing hawk around in our back yard this winter
feeding mostly on Mourning Doves but I did see the Cooper grab a small
sparrow.  If they would just get some cowbirds and starlings!.

Jules Fraytet
Charlotte, NC