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Warbling Vireo

At last, the Warbling Vireo has reappeared at Beaver Lake.  It was in the 
Sycamores along Merrimon Avenue this morning near the corner of Merrimon and 
Midland.  Maybe it's hanging out in that neighborhood up there more this year.
 Anyway, someone with more time on their hands maybe can check that out.  
Other birds at BL Sanctuary this a.m. (I was only there a half hour, so likely 
missed stuff) were a couple of Northern Waterthrush, Yellow-throated, Yellow, 
Common Yellowthroat, Redstart, and Yellow-rumped Warblers, a Scarlet Tanager, 
both Orioles (quite a few Orchards), and the usual other stuff.  There appears 
to be at least two pairs of BH Nuthatches nesting - one pair along the lake 
near the dead tree in the water and another in the sanctuary.  I didn't hear 
or see the BB Cuckoo.  
Marilyn Westphal
Hendersonville, NC