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Mason Farm and Little Creek Birding

Laura and I birded Mason Farm in Chapel Hill and the Little Creek
Impoundment in Durham today.  It was a nice day to be out, as the rain
managed to hold off.

Highlights at Mason Farm included meeting Marsha Stephens and Phil
Johnston, each working on the New Hope Audubon Wildathon.  Marsha was at
85 species of birds at the time.  I don't know how many species of
birds, plants etc. Phil was at, but he had a lot written down!

Birds of interest at Mason Farm included a pair of Orchard Orioles,
numerous Summer Tanagers, including a foraging pair, a calling Barred
Owl, Barn Swallows and Chimney Swifts overhead, an Osprey, several
Red-tailed Hawks, a Solitary Sandpiper in the ditch by marker 15, an
Eastern Wood-Pewee, and a pair of Eastern Kingbirds.  In the warbler
department we had quite a few American Redstarts, Common Yellowthroats
and Yellow-breasted Chats, calling Ovenbirds, at least three Louisiana
Waterthrushes, a Yellow Warbler, a Prairie Warbler, and we believe we
heard the Kentucky Warbler singing.

At Little Creek,  birds of note included at least half a dozen Solitary
Sandpipers, as well as a Palm Warbler, several Northern Parulas, a pair
of nesting Great-crested Flycatchers, a Swamp Sparrow and a
White-breasted Nuthatch.

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC