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My 3 cents

There are dozens of discussion boards and mail lists covering 
environmental/political/social/cultural issues. I belong to this list to 
learn more of the science of birds. Sometimes that includes interactions 
with other flora and fauna found in nature.   That is where things should stop.

Adding discussions about who protects/destroys out natural world the most 
will clutter up this list.

As tempting as it is, I will refrain from commenting on any of the 
political issues already mentioned.

Ok, I give in, a little.

Personally, I believe all share near equal blame for the destruction of our 
natural world. Politicians spend most of their time and efforts getting 
re-elected. Some liberal politicians and "liberal" scientists have done 
great harm to common sense management by crying wolf one too many times. 
Some conservative politicians and "conservative scientists are just plain 
ignorant about the issues(or are they?). I trust nary a one.

Many conservative "people" do work for conservation -   http://www.rep.org/
Conservative people belong to the Nature Conservancy, Audubon 
etc.....(maybe not  Earth First or Greenpeace  :-) )

OK------------let's talk BIRDS

RE : Population issues - We live in the US. We are OUT OF THE LOOP.  As 
long as we are the most wasteful country we have no foundation in telling 
other countries to stop having kids. They want what we have. We have 
created a monster and it is called "STUFF". The population  of the US is 
growing at a very slow pace. We are destroying habitat because of our 
addiction to "STUFF" more than our overpopulating. "STUFF" includes those 
with expendable income overburdening natural areas with "eco-tourism" and 
"second homes" in the "wilderness".

OK - Lets talk BIRDS !!!


Brian T. Murphy   www.mindspring.com/~brmurphy
Science Dept.
Millbrook High School    http://mhs.wcpss.net
         AP Environmental Science   http://mhs.wcpss.net/Murphy/apes/
           Physical Science  http://mhs.wcpss.net/Murphy/PhysicalScience/
Raleigh, NC, USA