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Birdathon Results

Hey Carolina Birders,

First, I apologize for my late post.  Chris Hill and I participated in the
Birdathon this past Thursday for the Waccamaw Audubon Society.
(Incidentally, I was late for it as well.  I've got to get my act together!)

We worked several areas of Horry and Georgetown counties including Punchpole
Road & Landing, Conway Sewage Pond, Hardwick Road, the fields between the
Myrtle Beach Sewage Pond and Nascar Cafe, Myrtle Beach State Park, Murrells
Inlet in the vicinity of Captain Dick's Marina, Huntington Beach State Park,
the yard of Phil & Sharon Turner, as well as a portion of Forestbrook Road.

The birds that are missed during counts such as these always amaze me.  For
the last few months, I've seen Yellow-rumped Warblers in my sleep.  On
Thursday?  None!  We also found no Gray Catbird on our count.  The first
three birds I saw the next morning?  Gray Catbirds!

In all, we tallied 131 species for the day and had a very enjoyable time.
Our list for the day appears below.  Should anyone have a specific question
regarding the precise location of any species found, feel free to e-mail me

Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach, SC

1. Red-winged Blackbird
2. Eastern Bluebird
3. Bobolink
4. Northern Bobwhite
5. Indigo Bunting
6. Painted Bunting
7. Northern Cardinal
8. Yellow-breasted Chat
9. Carolina Chickadee
10. American Coot
11. Double-crested Cormorant
12. Brown-headed Cowbird
13. American Crow
14. Fish Crow
15. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
16. Common Ground-Dove
17. Eurasian Collared Dove
18. Mourning Dove
19. Rock Dove
20. Short-billed Dowitcher
21. Wood Duck
22. Dunlin
23. Bald Eagle
24. Cattle Egret
25. Great Egret
26. Snowy Egret
27. House Finch
28. Acadian Flycatcher
29. Great Crested Flycatcher
30. Northern Gannet
31. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
32. Canada Goose
33. Boat-tailed Grackle
34. Common Grackle
35. Pied-billed Grebe
36. Blue Grosbeak
37. Herring Gull
38. Laughing Gull
39. Ring-billed Gull
40. Northern Harrier
41. Red-shouldered Hawk
42. Red-tailed Hawk
43. Great Blue Heron
44. Green Heron
45. Little Blue Heron
46. Tricolored Heron
47. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
48. White Ibis
49. Blue Jay
50. Killdeer
51. Eastern Kingbird
52. Belted Kingfisher
53. Red Knot
54. Mallard
55. Purple Martin
56. Eastern Meadowlark
57. Northern Mockingbird
58. Common Moorhen
59. Common Nighthawk
60. Black-crowned Night-Heron
61. Brown-headed Nuthatch
62. White-breasted Nuthatch
63. Orchard Oriole
64. Osprey
65. Barred Owl
66. Eastern Screech Owl
67. American Oystercatcher
68. Northern Parula
69. Brown Pelican
70. Black-bellied Plover
71. Semipalmated Plover
72. Wilson's Plover
73. Clapper Rail
74. American Redstart
75. American Robin
76. Sanderling
77. Least Sandpiper
78. Purple Sandpiper
79. Semipalmated Sandpiper
80. Solitary Sandpiper
81. Spotted Sandpiper
82. Loggerhead Shrike
83. Black Skimmer
84. Chipping Sparrow
85. House Sparrow
86. Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
87. Savannah Sparrow
88. European Starling
89. Black-necked Stilt
90. Barn Swallow
91. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
92. Tree Swallow
93. Mute Swan
94. Chimney Swift
95. Summer Tanager
96. Blue-winged Teal
97. Caspian Tern
98. Common Tern
99. Forster's Tern
100. Least Tern
101. Royal Tern
102. Sandwich Tern
103. Brown Thrasher
104. Wood Thrush
105. Tufted Titmouse
106. Eastern Towhee
107. Ruddy Turnstone
108. Red-eyed Vireo
109. White-eyed Vireo
110. Black Vulture
111. Turkey Vulture
112. Black-and-white Warbler
113. Hooded Warbler
114. Pine Warbler
115. Prairie Warbler
116. Prothonotary Warbler
117. Swainson's Warbler
118. Yellow-throated Warbler
119. Whimbrel
120. Chuck-will's-widow
121. Whip-poor-will
122. Willet
123. Downy Woodpecker
124. Pileated Woodpecker
125. Red-bellied Woodpecker
126. Red-headed Woodpecker
127. Eastern Wood-Pewee
128. Carolina Wren
129. Greater Yellowlegs
130. Lesser Yellowlegs
131. Common Yellowthroat