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Goodbye Carolina.. Hello Tucson!

Firstly... My apologies to Will Cook about this marginally off-topic 
post... I'll be quick!

I will be leaving Durham for my new home in Tucson, AZ in less than two 
weeks and - before I forgot, or got too busy - I  wanted to express my good 
byes and regrets to my Birding compadres here in North Carolina.

Jeannie has received her PhD from Duke and we are now southwest bound to 
enable her to study methane cycling in desert soils, and to allow me to 
hang out in a very birdy place!! (details of my new home which backs up to 
Sonoran desert  - Gila WP nesting in Sauquaro cactus behind house - with 
unobstructed views of the Catalina mountains are omitted here to avoid 
provoking jealousy in my kind friends!)

There are many of you that have helped, advised, or educated me, and shared 
in the wonderful birding I have experienced during my brief four years in 
the Triangle.  I can't remember each and every person, but a few who stand 
out at the moment are Cynthia Fox, Doug Shadwick, Jill Fronning, Mike 
Berkoben, Judy Murray, Rob Gluck, and numerous others who I met through the 
Chapel Hill Bird Club, and the Carolina Bird Club.  So... I'll miss y'all, 
and will be MOST unhappy to learn that you had visited Southeast Arizona, 
and did not give me a call!!

Jack McLain