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MBBS in ORange COunty

Yesterday Alan Johnston and I did the Borland-Buckhorn road breeding bird
survey route. It was a foggy morning and at several of the stops hardly
any birds were singing. We didn't have nay surprises as I did  last year
(for example the Cedar Waxwings) but we did manage to get two Hooded
Warblers, two Green Herons and one singing Kentucky Warbler. The most
notable miss were the Grackles of which we saw NONE, and we only scraped
by with one Ovenbird. THe fog somehow made them go quiet. On the other
hand we had four Ruby Throated Hummers whereas in the past I have never
had any on the route. This was mostly because one of the stops right in
front of a house with a feeder which was incredibly active with three
hummers who were fighting it out, and two of them were gorgeous males. I
still have to sit down and do the species count but it will not be nearly
as high as it has been in the past. Interestingly enough after doing our
route and nce the sun had come out Alan and I went back to some of hte
spots and were amazed to see much activity, including one buteo that
looked very much like a Broad Winged Hawk. So, I feel cheated by the fog
and am wondering if I should run the route once again on a clearer
day. ANy suggestions anyone?
Shantanu Phukan

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
