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Birdland Security

Taylor Piephoff and I have been victimized by an evil force which has
been replicating our e-mail postings without our knowledge or consent.
Taylor. in particular, has been bedeviled by a two day multiple
repetition of his white-crossbilll report.

Be assured that we have reported this  alarming invasion of our
list-serve to the newly created office of National Birdland Security.
Officials there have advised us that an investigation is in progress.
The chief suspect is said to be one Will Coook, Jr. who is reportedly
the Major-domo of the Carolina Birds List Serve. Authorities are
conducting a search for Mr. Cook who has not been seen for some time at
his usual haunts on the campus of Duke University. One unconfirmed
report has it that he has debarked in an open boat to Cuba to make one
last search for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. When questioned, Fidel
Castro answered that he was unaware of any impending incursion on Cuban
soil, but that any  aggressors would be dealt with severely.

Obviously, we will be watching this ongoing story with great interest.