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Tardy Buncombe County Spring Migration Count Report

The second annual Buncombe County Spring Migration Count took place Sunday, 
May 12th with 15 participants.  It was another great spring count in the 
mountains as the group counted a total of 111 species and 3,884 individual 
birds.  Most interesting species found were a Black-billed Cuckoo, a Hermit 
Thrush (late migrant?), and a flock of 52 Bobolinks.  Other interesting finds 
were 28 Tree Swallows found in 4 of the 7 sections in the count area.  The 
breeding range of Tree Swallows has been expanding south into North Carolina 
for the past few years and more are found breeding here every year.  An 
whopping total of 270 Cedar Waxwings were also counted with all sections 
finding at least a few.  This total greatly exceeds the number found on last 
year's count (39).  The count in Henderson County the day before also turned 
up a record number of Cedar Waxwings.
	The Buncombe County count area covers elevations ranging from 2,000 to over 
5,000 feet and captures a wide range of species.  High elevation birds found 
included Red-breasted Nuthatch, Winter Wren, Veery, Golden-crowned Kinglet, 
and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  The group also found 19 species of warbler and 
443 individuals.  The warbler numbers were generally lower than last year when 
22 species and 535 individuals were found.  Most common warblers found were 
Ovenbird with a total of 88 followed by 53 Hooded and 47 Black and White.  
Scarlet Tanager numbers were also lower than last year with 35 found this year 
and 56 last year.   Overall more individual birds were found this year, 
though, with 3,884 counted versus 3,629 last year.  Total species numbers were 
very close with 111 this year and 112 last year.
	Many thanks to all those who participated in this year's count and I hope 
that many more of you will be able to help out on this fun and exciting 
adventure next year.