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Ivory-billed Calls? Not a chance


Yesterday Greg  and Lauren Georges and I were out in the Sandhills 
Gamelands shooting photographs. On our way out on a sand track that`s got a 
lot of RCW nest trees. We were driving along and Lauren and I were looking 
at a RCW nest tree from the truck as Greg was driving and we heard a few 
quick short "tree raps" Greg asked what kind of woodpecker is that? Next 
thing we know there`s about 15 soldiers appear from nowhere on each side of 
the road shooting machine guns or pointing bazookas  across the road in 
intense battle for about 30-40 seconds not 50 foot in front of us! I told 
everyone they were shooting blanks! After they stopped we drove by 
approximately 30 soldiers dressed in full combat gear in 95 degree heat and 
all but one (he smiled) just stared at us with weapons in hand. We didn`t 
see any RCWs but we did get a good look at a Red-headed Woodpecker about 
1/2 mile down the road.

This beats my tank story from this spring hands down....

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

Randy Emmitt Photography
Carolina Butterfly Society webmaster