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Roan Mt-Mourning Warbler

Dear Carolinabirders,
  On Tuesday morning,6-18, Rich and I hiked up the three balds at Roan Mt.
along the A.T.  and saw the mourning warbler and heard several alder
flycatchers.  The warbler is in the same location as last year.  Hike over
Round Bald, Jane's Bald and up onto Grassy Bald where the AT turns left
along the state line, but the other trail continues up the mountain.  Go up
the mountain a hundred yards or so and you will see orange surveyors tape on
a bush off on your right.  We heard the mourning warbler calling frequently
in this area and then not for forty five minutes or so.  We then heard it
again in the bushes beyond the tape and saw it flying to the fur trees.  It
is an adult male and was again vocal for several minutes.  During this time
as well as on the hike to and from Grassy Bald, we heard several alder
flycatchers. They were very vocal.  It was a beautiful hike with the flame
azaleas and rhododendren blooming.  There is a Festival this weekend at Roan
Mt., and maybe Bakersville is part of it.  After hiking and looking for the
mourning warbler in vain last July when it was windy and cold, this was a
deluxe trip!!  Good luck to all who venture that way.  Be patient!!  We were
at the location for almost 2 hours.
Susan and Rich Boyd