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Haw River at Bynum, NC, 6/22/02

     I drove from Fayetteville up to Bynum today for the purpose, as 
suggested by Josh Rose, of looking for dragonflies along the Haw 
River.   On the Haw River trail, I met John Rittelmeyer from Cary. 
He was headed back as I was headed in, but he graciously agreed to 
accompany me.  We saw or heard a number of warblers, including the 

     northern parula
     ovenbird (heard only)
     redstart (female or immature)

     We heard a number of Acadian flycatchers and I saw an eastern 
phoebe at Bynum Bridge.  We also saw a number of red-eyed vireos and 
a white-eyed vireo.  The other birds were the usual gang.
     On my way home, I stopped at Jordan Lake at the end of Barker 
Road, an area I know well from doing bird counts there.  I heard a 
bob-white calling but did not attempt to find it.

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu