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Lori Fleming thought you should know

Dear Fellow Birders,

I wanted to let you know about this critical environmental issue.
DEN Alert: Stop the Poisoning of Migratory Birds

The federal government is allowing Louisiana rice growers to 
spread a bird-killing pesticide. The highly toxic  chemical named 
carbofuran has been responsible for the deaths of millions of 
birds, including bald eagles.  The granular form of carbofuran 
that the farmers would spread is so dangerous that it was 
withdrawn from use in the mid-1990s.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has stated: "There are no 
known conditions under which carbofuran can be used  without 
killing migratory birds." But the Environmental Protection Agency 
agreed to allow use of this deadly pesticide without even 
consulting the Fish and Wildlife Service as required by law or 
seeking public comment. When environmentalists learned of the 
EPA's action and demanded to be heard, officials agreed to permit 
public comments – but for only five days.


Send a FREE e-mail through http://www.denaction.org to the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency and urge them not to allow the 
use of the deadly pesticide. The public comment period ends on 
Friday, JULY 5. We encourage you to put the sample letter below 
into your own words and send it to the head of the EPA. Thanks 
for sending a strong message that our government cannot disregard 
our wildlife laws. 

Lori Fleming