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FW: swallow-tailed kites

Nick and I saw over 12 swallow-tailed kites at that location, north of
exit 82 (U.S. 178), west side of I-95, on July 8.  There were probably
more.  That was all we could count as we drove past going south on I-95.
In 26 years of traveling I-95 from North Carolina to South Florida
several times a year, we've seen many swallow-tailed kites, but never
such a large group.  Usually we see them in Flagler, Volusia, and other
northern counties in Florida.

Veronica Pantelidis
Greenville, North Carolina

-----Original Message-----
From: Leah Campbell
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
Sent: 7/21/02 10:33 PM
Subject: swallow-tailed kites

On Jul 17, Karen Bearden wrote:

>Jill Froning just called me (3:45 pm) on her cell phone from South
>Carolina describing an AWESOME sighting of 25-30 kites!! She's seeing
>them on I-95, 3 miles south of I-26 and 1 mile north of Exit 82, flying
>on the west side of I-95. As we continued talking, she said some were
>flying above her at tree top level. She estimates an equal amount of
>Swallow-tailed and MS Kites, with a couple buteos, also. She can also
>see more in a distant field hunting, but it was hard to estimate the

I was driving to my granny's house in Beaufort, SC this afternoon when I
the kites! My mind was a million miles away when I spotted some
birds soaring above the tree tops. I did a double take when I realized
birds had white heads and magnificent swallow-like tails! One doesn't
of adding a lifebird while going 75 mph down the interstate. Passing
must have thought I'd won the lottery (or lost my mind) by my gleeful 
expression. Suddenly I remembered the email about swallow-tails on I-95.
here I am on Granny's computer to let you all know the kites are still 
there! I saw them between the 80 and 85 mile markers on I-95. Gorgeous
for sure!


Leah Campbell
Blackstock, SC

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