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falcons moving into the carolinas

One of our falcons (Chesapeake) equipped with a satellite transmitter has
been moving steadily south, through eastern NC, over the past few days.
This falcon hatched April 15 on the James River Bridge and was relocated to
Shenandoah National Park on May 20.  Another falcon (Laurel) is also moving
south towards NC via the mountains.  If she continues on her current course
she should reach the western NC soon.  Laurel hatched on May 1 at South
Marsh Island on Virginia's Eastern Shore and was relocated to Harper's Ferry
on May 30.  You can follow the progress of these falcons, and others, by
going to the Center's home page http://www.ccb-wm.org and clicking on a
fastlink to VAFALCONS or by going directly to VAFALCONS
http://fsweb.wm.edu/ccb/vafalcons/falconhome.cfm.  This site attempts to
bring together existing information on the Virginia breeding population of
Peregrine Falcons.  In addition to natural history, management, and
monitoring information, the site hosts the tracking of 18 young falcons from
2002 and Caroline Dare (one of the falcons from the 2001 cohort).  The
FalconTrak portion of the website allows the user to interact with a
tracking database via a dynamic map interface.  It is our hope that
providing this resource will entice the public to become more involved in
the ongoing research, monitoring, and management of this vulnerable

This interactive mapping technology is new to us, so if you have any
problems or suggestions feel free to contact me.

Barton J.Paxton
Center for Conservation Biology
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA 23187
Phone (757) 221-1639
FAX (757) 221-1650