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Orangeburg sod farms

Yesterday, 5 folks from Charlotte journeyed down to the Orangeburg Sod
Farms. As expected with the heat and drought [although it was not as hot as
it could have been] the species numbers was small - only 32. But since most
of the folks on the trip had never been there before it was a good trip for

The highlight of the trip was as we were leaving. We drove over to check out
the pond in the industrial park to adjacent to the Sod fields. As we drove
around one of the curves we encountered a flock of at least 19 Upland
Sandpipers with 2 Buff-breasted thrown in for good measure. We had seen 6
Uplands earlier in the morning near the entrance of the sod fields and I
thought we were lucky with that! Taylor thought this might be a record
number. Does anyone know? I do know it is more than I have seen in my
birding life and I lived in Kansas for four years!

We also had pectorals but no golden plovers.

Judy Walker 
Charlotte, NC