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Further a-field (and some radar birding)

Hi Folks,

I’m sitting here (9:30pm on the 26th) watching a pretty amazing occurrence 
of reverse migration on the CUROL radar site:


>From the MS/TX border all the way to western-most of FL, the “targets” 
(birds and probably some bats and insects too) are flowing north with the 
winds, away from the coast. Last night I watched a huge southbound push 
along the western border of the storm (MS, TX IL etc.) and saw that we had 
nearly no migration in the southeast (as shown by the radar images of south 
FL archived at badbirdz.com). With the consistent winds from the south we 
may get some of that northerly flow and perhaps a stray or two from the 
storm (as indicated by the following):

Ornithologists playing hooky from the North American Ornithologists Union 
convention in New Orleans, reports that the Mississippi River near New 
Orleans today produced excellent views of eight tern species blown inland by 
ISIDORE, including Sandwich, Royal, Caspian, plus 140 Sooty Terns (54 in one 
group, calling noisily), 6 Bridled Terns (all ad.), a Black Tern, and an 
Arctic Tern, thought to be rare in the Gulf waters. Also a group of 20 Cave 
Swallows passed overhead. Also entrained were 200+ Magnificent Frigatebirds, 
in addition to over 75 noted over Lake Ponchartrain yesterday evening. We 
should be alert for terns and frigatebirds (and perhaps the swallows) in the 
next 48 hours in far western Virginia, but we'll be lucky to see any of 
these birds in our area; Brian reports that many of the birds seen were 
already re-orienting back toward the Gulf of Mexico.

Perhaps we’ll get the Western Flycatcher found in AL on the 25th(or somthing 
of that ilk).

GABO’s been quiet so I figured I’d post these drool-worthy items.

Paul Champlin
New Ellentong, SC

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