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Re: Field Check List for Birding

I think the CBC Daily Field Check List is still available at $1.75 for 10, 
$5.00 for 25, $9.00 for 50, $12.75 for 75 and $16.00 for 100.  Send check to 
Carolina Bird Club, Inc. 11 W. Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601-1029.  This 4" x 
5 1/2" tri-fold card covers the accepted list of birds in North and South 

The similar ABA Fieldcard covering all regularly occurring species in the ABA 
Checklist Area is available from American Birding Association Sales, PO Box 
6599, Colorado Springs, CO 80934-6599 or on line at 
www.americanbirding.org/abasales.  The cost is 50¢ each for 1-9 copies, 45¢ 
each for 10-49 copies and 40¢ each for 50+ copies.

Clyde Smith         
Raleigh, NC
Smith82534@aol.com  "To me all the frail, enduring beauty of the world finds 
its voice in the song of the whitethroat."  Edwin Way Teale