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Lake/Car birds

There are Cormorants at University lake, often perched on a snag sticking
out of the water off the western side of the Jones Ferry bridge.

Northern Parula's singing at my house too, finally positively ID'ed their
song, I'm yet to get a good look at one there though.  I did get a good look
at a HUGE Red-Tailed hawk today soaring sooo slowly over my car while
sitting at a redlight.  Ah to have the vision and wisdom of such a beautiful
bird, wonderful gifts they're given.

Had another exciting car sighting the other day too.  What I can only guess
was a Fish Crow was hot on the tail of an American Crow (or maybe male on
the tail of a female, are the genders roughly the same size for American
Crows?).  They were flying about 30 feet up straight down the road right at
me, the larger bird in front did a beautiful barrel roll and took a nip at
the trailing one mid-roll, it was an awesome move.

The changing of another season, so much energy out there this time of year,
I'm loving it!  Happy birding over the weekend.

Craig Armstrong / Chapel Hill