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Trip to Orangeburg sod farm

The following are highlights of the Charleston County Parks field trip to
the Orangeburg sod farm on highway 301 just of I 26 led by Perry Nugent.

April 12, 2003

55 species were seen on a very nice day.  The most interesting were; 5
Common Loons as we met at park headquarters (HQ) at 8 am, 1 Osprey at the
sod farm ( SF ), 2 Northern Harriers ( one a 2 year old male turning gray
and white ), 1 Black-bellied Plover (SF), 7 Greater Yellowlegs (SF), 1
Eastern Kingbird (SF), 40 Fish Crows (SF), 20 Horned Larks (SF), 2
Rough-winged Swallows (SF), 2 Eastern Towhees (HQ), 1 Chipping-sparrow (SF),
40 Savannah Sparrows (SF), 10 White-throated Sparrows (HQ), and 25 Eastern

Perry E. Nugent
Charleston, SC