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Re: Plenty of pileateds

> my impression(and Will could probably put numbers on this) is that both
> spring and Xmas area bird counts have shown steadily increasing Pileated
> nos. for the last decade (although this could always be an artifact of
> more birders better covering more areas).

Here's some data from the Chapel Hill counts, standardized by observer effort 
(number = Pileated Woodpeckers per 100 party hours).

Year  CBC SBC*

1987	3	
1988	11	
1989	0	
1990	3	
1991	9	
1992	10	
1993	3	
1994	8	9
1995	4	
1996	10	9
1997	5	6
1998	7	9
1999	5	7
2000	14	15
2001	14	11
2002	9	17

*CBC = Christmas Bird Count; SBC = Spring Bird Count

Looks like there's a definite upward trend in the last three years.  If you 
just look at the pre-2000 data, it's a flat line.

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Box 90340, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708