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Upland Sandpipers: Goldsboro

Thanks to Eric Dean's directions I was able to get my life Upland
Sandpiper today inthe vicinity of the Cherry Hospital. It was foraging in
a recently mowed pasture just beyond Cherry Hospital and the prisons on
Stevens Mill Road. This is the first mowed pasture on the right hand side
of Stevens Mill Road as you pass through the prison area. THe Sandpiper
kept to the very edge of the mowed area and as long as I stayed on the
edge fo the road and scoped seemed unperturbed. I have waited a loong long
time for this little bird. THis seems to be the spring when I am getting
all those birds which are glaring misses on my list: first the Least
Bittern in Santee and now the Upland. Now if only a Black Rail would show
up to complete the trinity.

Incidentally, I stopped by at Hermann Park in Goldsboro because two
summers ago I had seen Mississippi Kites here. As I recall they were
nesting there that year. Does anyone know if that was a fluke or if they
regularly breed there and I just struck out today?

Shantanu Phukan

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
