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Warbling Vireo, Ross's still around??

     Stopped by Anilorac Farm, in Orange County, NC,  this AM around 
10:00, lots of Meadowlarks, a few Grasshopper Sparrows were singing, 
but couldn't see them, a few Savannah Sparrows, too.  No sign of the 
     In front of the farm house, I heard what I was pretty sure was the song
of a Warbling Vireo, after watching for a few minutes, finally saw that it was
indeed a Warbling Vireo.  Got a few nice looks. This was in one of the 
2 Maples in front of the house.  Not sureif a female was present or not.  
He and an Orchard Oriole in the next tree were having a duet.  
     The tree that Shantanu referred to, that had come down in the ice storm, 
was the left-hand one of the trio.  That wasn't the one they nested in 
     I spoke with Mrs. Snipes briefly, she was gardening out front, and mentioned
that the Vireo was back, and we talked about the cute white goose, AKA Ross's.
She said that it was only in her pond the one time, but that her husband said that
it is still visiting one of the other ponds on it's circuit!
     I didn't have time to go look for it this AM, but would be worth seeing if it is
still around.
     Lastly, looked briefly for the Swainson's Hawk first this AM, with no luck. 
Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC