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Henslow's Sparrow still present

I stopped at the Butler Farm field this morning on a cloudy, drizzly day and 
found the Henslow's singing again (such as it is).  This time, however, I 
actually saw the bird.  It was far up near the ridgeline sitting in a clump of 
yellow-flowered weeds.  Alas, even with the highest power of my scope I could 
only be absolutely certain that it was a sparrow.  It had its back to me, but 
moved its head around while singing and I could see it was singing that song, 
i.e. the head went back when the Henslow's song was heard.  It kept it up for 
quite a while, then flew out of the weeds and I didn't here it again.  I 
imagine it will probably stick around until tomorrow as the weather forecast 
is pretty ugly for today and tonight.  I'll check again then and hope to get a 
better view of the chest, flanks, and head.

I also saw a Grasshopper Sparrow hopping along the road edge near some 
Savannah Sparrows near where the road ends at the fence.  The Grasshopper 
never sang.  Also got my first Blue Grosbeak for the year over on Ladson Road.
 Then it was back to work.  

Marilyn Westphal
Environmental Quality Institute
University of North Carolina-Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC  28804