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Re: Caspian vs. Royal Tern

In addition to the color difference, Caspians are almost always noticeably
bigger than Royals when viewed side-by-side.  They also usually (in mature
birds) have some darkening at the bill tip.  The crest on Royals is slightly
more prominent, too, I believe.  If the birds was definitely the same size
as the Royals, I'd suspect it to have been the same.


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC

"The time for change is here and here we are, we're just for you!" -
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shantanu Phukan" <phukan@email.unc.edu>
To: "Carolina Birds" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 5:31 PM
Subject: Caspian vs. Royal Tern

> This is a question I have been meaning to ask on this list for more than a
> week now. Last week I wnet down to Fort Fisher and came upon a mixed flock
> of Terns on the spit. THere were Royals, Sandwiches and Forster's all
> resting and preening together. In this flock was one tern that looked very
> much like a Royal but had a definitely red (and not orangish) bill. It
> held itself just a little apart from the other Royals. Now I know that
> Caspians have a reddish rather than orangish bill and on this point this
> tern would have been a Caspian. However, its bill was not any the thicker
> than that of the dozen or so Royals sitting next to it. Nor was the tern
> itself any larger than the Royals. None of the other Royal terns showed
> any variation in the bill color--they all had the orangish bill that they
> are supposed to have according to the guide books.
> So, my question is is there much bill color variation in Royal terns, with
> some of them inclined towards red rather than orange. Or is the red such a
> definite diagnosic mark that its presence (despite no size difference)
> would clinch this as a Caspian.
> THe second question is regardng Sandwich vs. Gull Billed Tern. Yes, I know
> that Gull Billed Terns have a shorter and thicker bill; however, when one
> sees a lone tern with nothing to compare it to it is difficult to decide
> if the bill is thick enough or not and I have now several times decided
> that a tern was Gull billed only to then finally see the little yellow tip
> as it turns and catches the light. So is there any other clue besides the
> lenght and thicknessof the bill. If, for example, one sees a Gull
> Billed/Sandwich Tern over the ocean can one definitly rule out the GUll
> Billed since they are supposed to feed on mudflats and grassy fields?
> Any thoughts woudl be greatly appreciated.
> Shantanu Phukan
> *****************************************************
> Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
> University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
> Curriculum in Asian Studies
> Alumni Hall 413C
> Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
> phukan@email.unc.edu
> 919-962-6825
> *****************************************************