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SC migrant paydirt: Newberry and Congaree Swamp + environs

Saturday (4-26) David Armstrong and I ran across a lot
of good birds in the Piedmont and Upper Coastal Plain
of SC.  In the morning we got some good migrants at
Lynches Woods Park in Newberry (despite 1.5 hours
sitting out the rain).  Around noon we stopped at the
Orangeburg Sod Farms and got great looks at Upland
Sandpiper and Horned Larks.  We spent the afternoon
birding sites in Richland County near Congaree Swamp
National Monument.  During late afternoon we birded
near the (non-flooded) monument HQ parking lot and
finished with night birds near Gadsden, SC.  Thanks to
Robin Carter for the advice on Lynches Woods in

Partial list / highlights:

Lynches Woods Park- 

VIREOS:   Blue-headed, Red-eyed, Yellow-eyed.
WARBLERS:  Black-throated Blue, Black-and-white , Cape
May, Black-throated Green, Chestnut-sided, Louisiana
Waterthrush, Kentucky, Hooded, Swainson's,
Yellow-throated, N. Parula, Prairie, Yellow-rumped,
Common Yellowthroat.  
TANAGERS:  Scarlet and Summer.
GROSBEAKS:  Rose-breasted, Blue.
ORIOLES:  Baltimore and Orchard (2 of each in same
Tulip tree)
Wood Thrushes
-- We had probable Magnolia and Blackburnian Warblers
but the view of treetop birds from underneath wasn't
quite good enough to call.

Orangeburg Sod Farm- Upland Sandpiper, Horned Larks,
Loggerhead Shrikes.

East of Congaree Swamp Nat Monument (near Gadsden,
Swainson's Warbler: 5 (3 pairs; 5 seen, 1 more heard)
Louisiana Waterthrush: 2 (great looks at a pair)
Kentucky Warbler: 2 (pair)
Hooded Warbler: 2 (pair)
Prothonotary Warbler: 3 (1 pair 1 single)
^All the birds of the above 5 Warbler species were
along a 200 yard stretch of road.
We also had another Swainson's Warbler and several
Hooded closer to the car.

Western edge of CSNM near upper Cedar Creek-

Veery, Swainson's & Wood Thrush
Swainson's Warbler: 3
Prothonotary Warbler (plethora)
Scarlet Tanager (Adult Male)

Warbler wave at Congaree Swamp Nat. Monument within
shouting distance of HQ parking lot-

Blue-winged Warbler!
Black-throated Blue Warbler (touchable distance)
Black-and-white Warbler (2)
Hooded Warbler (resident)
Swainson's Warbler (resident)
Kentucky Warbler (resident)
many Yellow-rumped and all the common resident
Warblers (multiples of each).  There were dozens of
warblers tree hopping and feeding in the same

Night birds near Gadsden east of CSNM-

Whip-poor-will (1 seen, 3 heard)
Chuck-will's Widow (1 seen, 5 heard)

Nathan Dias - Charleston, SC

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