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Saturday at the Dabbs's, Sumter, SC

The traditional spring gathering of Columbia Audubon members and friends
took place Saturday (4/26) at the home of Evelyn and Tommy Dabbs, east
of Sumter, SC, along the Black River Swamp.  There was no birdbanding this 
time, and many regulars were busy with other activities, such as the 
CBC meeting.  Those who came were treated to the traditional warm
hospitality, boat rides, and exciting nature experiences.  

The beautiful day began with some clouds and a brief shower, followed by 
bright sun with some puffy white clouds.  The temperature was perfect 
(and the many mosquitoes around seemed to agree).  

It was also a nice day for birding.  Birds spotted included many Summer
Tanagers (no Scarlets), Indigo Buntings, Blue Grosbeaks (I heard a
Rose-breasted, but they aren't coming to Eveyln's feeders so far), a pair of
Mississippi Kites, and a Prairie Warbler that was a lifer for some.  A flock 
of at least 9 Eastern Kingbirds was spotted across the fields.  My best 
bird was a Cerulean Warbler, heard high up in the trees, which sang a few 
times and moved on. It was just my second one in S.C.  Other reported 
Warblers included Black-throated Blue, American Redstart, Yellowthroated, 
Prothonotary, Northern Parula, Hooded, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Ovenbird.  
No one reported Yellow-rumped (they were the only Warblers around yesterday
in my yard, which is farther inland in Columbia).

Two dead shrews (a good name for an indie rock group?) were found by
Steve Dennis, who is taking one in for testing.

My teenage daughter and her friend crossed a large field and trudged through
a marshy area.  They got lost for a couple of hours, an experience they will 
never forget!  (This gave the rest of us some peace and quiet!)

Our thanks to Evelyn and Tommy for being, as always, such gracious hosts!  

Jerry Griggs   j@sc.edu
Columbia, SC