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Bear Island WMA and Dungannon HP

On Monday, 4-28 Ed Blitch, Mimi Dias, David Armstrong
and I birded Bear Island WMA in Colleton County, SC
followed by Dungannon Heritage Preserve near
Hollywood, SC.

Partial list / highlights:

BEAR ISLAND- (water was too high for good waders &
Black Tern
White & Glossy Ibis
Least Bittern
Bald Eagle
Yellow-throated Vireo (2 males settling a territorial
Painted Bunting (at least a dozen singing males)
Seaside Sparrow
King Rail (Just over Bear Island Bridge.  1 ran across
road while 1 posed in road for minutes)

In the Herp dept. we had multiple bellowing Bull
Alligators.  It made us take an involuntary step back
from the water at one point.

Wood Stork (several dozen birds building nests,
turning eggs, gathering cypress needle bedding)
Acadian Flycatcher
Hairy Woodpecker
Wood Thrush (seemingly everywhere)
YB Cuckoo
Yellow-throated, White-eyed and Red-eyed Vireos
Black-and-white Warbler
Hooded Warbler (4)
Prothonotary Warbler (7)
other usual Warblers

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