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Kingbird & Fulvous Update

Hey Carolina Birders,

I ran out for a bit this morning to check on the above mentioned birds.  I
first stopped by Pawleys Island and immediately found the Gray Kingbird.
When I saw the bird at around 11:45, it was between the historical marker
mentioned earlier and the tennis court that Gary Phillips spoke of just a
bit ago.

I then went to Huntington Beach State Park (HBSP) to look for the Fulvous
Whistling-Ducks.  I checked the areas on Mullet Pond where they were seen
yesterday but was unable to locate them.  Again, I wouldn't necessarily
assume they've left the area simply because *I* was unable to find them.
They have been well concealed each time they've been spotted from what I can
understand.  There is also a possibility that they may be somewhere on
Sandpiper Pond there at Huntington Beach.  The habitat is much the same
there with ample cover for the birds to be tucked away in the vegetation.  I
wasn't able to check that area today.  However, I did see Jack Peachey at
HBSP as I was about to leave.  He mentioned that he'd briefly checked
Sandpiper Pond but had been unable to locate the ducks as well.  I'm not
certain if he was able to check both the upper and lower ends of the pond.

I mentioned to Jack that I'd just seen the kingbird again and he said he was
going to head down that direction.  I followed him down and, once again, we
immediately found the bird.  It was perched on a wire directly above the
intersection at the east end of the south causeway there on Pawleys Island.
We had great views of the bird and Jack was grinning like a kid at Christmas
when last seen.  The bird looked rather happy as well as it thrashed some
juicy squirming insect against the power line.  Although I didn't check the
time, I estimate that must have been right around 12:30 or so this

Good Luck & Good Birding!
Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach, SC