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Black-billed cuckoo

While participating in the Onslow County spring migratory bird count, I
birded a Black-billed cuckoo.  The first for the county's spring bird
count, and for myself as well.  The location was Verona Loop which is a
Military training area.  There is a gate but it is not manned all the
time and also serves as the game warden station.  From the gate go 8/10
of a mile and there is a dirt road on the left.  From the hardtop road
go 4/10 of a mile down the dirt road to another less traveled dirt road
on the left.  This area is a mixed deciduous forest with lots of
undergrowth and vines.  The bird was in thick underbrush right next to
the road.  I had birded a Yellow-billed cuckoo 5 minutes earlier about
30 yards away.  The yellow was sitting on a tree branch about 15 feet
off the ground and moved around giving me some good looks so I was able
to make good comparisons.  The Black-billed was much more secretive.  I
saw the bird fly across the road and into the thick underbrush.  It was
about 3 feet off the ground and only 15 feet away.  Got a really good
look at the profile in good light.  The size and shape was the same as
the yellow, it was darker overall with less white on the tail.  The
entire bill was black and the red orbital ring really stood out which
cinched it.  I don't recall either bird calling.  I picked them both up
due to their movement.  I had 46 species for the day with 6 warblers.
It was a little hot, but the mosquitoes thinned as it grew hotter.

Andy Webb
Jacksonville, NC

I hope you love birds too.   It is economical.  It saves going to
-   Emily Dickinson