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Mockingbird Behavior Question

Since we seem to be having a number of posts about mockingbirds, I would
like to post something that I should have posted months ago.  This past
February I saw my neighborhood mocker do something I thought was rather
odd. I had just about completed my early morning walk, when I saw this
mocker swoop down out of a Bradford Pear tree to the ground.  He looked
to be in pursuit of a insect as he landed with his wings flared and ran
across the lawn.  This behavior looked like I had seen mockers do ever
since I had become interested in birding.  As I approached him, he flew
off.  What surprised me was the intended prey.  I saw what appeared to
be a tiny mammal, about the size of my thumb, scurrying away.  I
supposed that it may have been a shrew that he was after.  The critter
ran and hid under a large clump of Pampas Grass. My question is, do you
think that the mocker was serious about having the critter for

I searched through my books and also on the web, but was unable to find
any references to our mockingbirds eating mammals.  And, before anyone
makes this suggestions, the bird was no loggerhead shrike which we all
know will eat mammals.

Stephen Cox
Fountain Inn, SC
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