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once more-- owlets/ swifts

Tonight ÔJuniorÕ (Barred owlet) intently watched me as I watched him watching me watch him!; bit of a staring contest... he won. HeÕs remained high in the same large white oak (near lamppost off brick path between Alumni and Person Halls) for 3 days apparently doing fine under watchful eyes of Mom and Dad, often 1 or 2 trees over. On a sad (actually, devastating for some of us!!) note this yearÕs 3 owlets on www.owlcam.com (webcam of a Massachusetts Barred Owl family in man-made nestbox) were taken by a fisher at a very young stage last Saturday night while parents were out hunting....Õnature red in tooth and clawÕ! Luckily, no fishers on UNC campus as far as I know!!!

couple of folks emailed me inquiring about Franklin St. swifts so I checked tonight and again got count of close to 2000 roosting in P.O. chimney between 8:30-8:45 (time varies depending on clarity and brightness of night sky); donÕt know if this population will last all summer.


**Rob Gluck.......... Chapel Hill,NC.......... thrush@hotmail.com

"And on the fifth day God created birds....(days 1-4 must've been a real drag)."

-- old Leica binocular ad

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