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RE: N.C. has newly documented birds, too!

> The photograph chosen to depict the local birds was of a Gray Jay
> a balsam fir. 
> As the brochure is still in print and readily available, I can send a
> to Dr. LeGrand of the Natural Heritage Program, or whoever wants one, if
> needed to document the heretofore unrecognized occurrence of Gray Jays
> N.C.
> James Coman
> Executive Director
> Blue Ridge Rural Land Trust
> P.O. Box 2557
> Boone, N.C. 28607   

A few months ago, as the EPA groups located at the old ERC were preparing to move to the new campus and share the lake with NIEHS, I saw some posters in the ERC lobby purportedly of the bird life around the lake.  None of the birds were identified but one was of an ardeid of some kind that simply did not match any member of the group in the USA.  I am convinced that someone's pictures of an African heron of some sort (can't remember which one) got into the mix of pictures.  It was not an adult nor a juvenile of any North American bird.  Maybe PJ remembers it.  I'll go back and see if they'll let me back in to the old building it may still be there.

Jim Sutton

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