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Memorial Weekend Pelagic highlights

Hi all,

Since I've not seen another summary of the highlights of the very
successful 4 trips out of Oregon Inlet over the Memorial Weekend, I
thought I'd fill in the gaps that already are not known.I'm sure Brian
will post totals eventually but for now, here are the high points:

Friday (Brian ran the trip but I was not there) - 2 Herald Petrels (1
light, 1 dark), 1 South Polar Skua

Saturaday: Pterodroma GRAND SLAM - 1 light morph Herald Petrel, 1 Fea's
Petrel, 1 Bermuda Petrel. All three birds came directly into the chum
slick at the back of the boat and in the case of the Bermuda - a very
fresh-plumaged juvenile - three separate passes. What was most
remarkable is that NONE of te bids required the usual high-speed chase.
We just sat there at 3 knots and drank up long fabulous views. Then, if
that weren't enough (after the Fea's, we jokingly told everyone the
Bermuda was due at 1 PM - but it came 6 minutes late), we ended the day
with an imm. Red-billed Tropicbird that flew past the port side low and
close, then soared up overhead.

Sunday: nothing of note. An average trip by normal standards, but after
Saturday, a real let-down.

Monday: 1 Fea's Petrel that came in to the slick at the back. Also, I
watched two "cold front tornados" form out of theis really nasty cloud
that came directly over us. They came down but never touched the water.
We ended the day under bright sun watching Sperm Whales wave good by
with flukes-up dives.

Comments: I think the most interesting thing about this weekend, as with
the previous 3 years, is that all 3 rare Pterodroma Petrels have been
seen by at least one boat every year. I can remember when we used to
think it a miracle day when just one was seen in an entire weekend. I
can't help bu feel that we've gotten a lot better at finding them rather
than some dramatic population surge. Bermuda Petrel populations are
increasing, but I'm not convinced it's that much (although it would be
great if it were). I've now seen a total of 3 confirmed and 1 suspected
Bermuda Petrel in the past 4 years!

For those who wish they were there, Brian has trips on the Country Girl
(obviously Miss Hatteras is out for a while - so sad). These birds do
NOT limit their visitation to just the last week in May. I know Brian
has other trips planned for June and beyond - all with perfectly good
chances for some of these super birds but without the ususal rush for
participants. I'd encourage anyone who wans to see these birds to not
try waiting for next year. There's still plenty of time this year.


Mike Tove