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Excellent Pelagic Birding off Cape Hatteras; Space on June 7 and 8

Dear Carolinabirders,

It has been a busy time for us here on the Outer Banks this May.  We ran
nine pelagic trips in nine days despite blowing an engine in Hatteras on
Memorial Day.  Over the course of those nine trips we saw 21 species of
pelagic seabirds including several rarities.  Highlights included one
Bermuda Petrel, five Herald Petrels (three trips), five Fea’s Petrels
(four trips), four Red-billed Tropicbirds, South Polar Skua, Long-tailed
Jaeger, Roseate and Arctic Terns, and an unprecedented showing of Sooty
Terns for spring.  We also saw some rarely seen cetaceans including
several beaked whales and a nice herd of Clymene Dolphin.  We are in the
process of updating the website with trip lists and images of birds and
cetaceans seen last month.  Hopefully this will be done soon, but both
myself and Les Willis, my web guru, have been extra busy with other
tasks, so please have some patience.

Though we were unable to run our trips in Hatteras last weekend because
of the breakdown on Memorial Day, the Miss Hatteras is back in service
with a new port engine, and we will be running trips here this weekend.
Space is available on both Saturday and Sunday, and these will be the
only trips here until mid July.  For more information about all of our
trips please visit our website at http://www.seabirding.com/ or call me
at (252) 986-1363 evenings between 7 and 9 PM EDT as I am usually
offshore most days this time of year.

Thanks, and we hope to see you on  the boat.

Brian Patteson
Hatteras, NC