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Sugar Mt. NC

Hi all, just came back from several wonderful days in the NC highcountry -
Sugar Mountain to be specific.

The most notable - wonderful to see, hear and get close to - dozens of
junco - every evening - they were virtually everywhere - on the ground, in
the trees, some were within 5 ft. and didn't fly off.

Spotted a blue jay, a raven, red-shouldered hawk and heard some birds I
didn't regognize.  Did see a few chimpunks too.

By the way, in my backyard here about two weeks ago, I truly believe I saw a
species of flycatcher. Two of them. Greyish body, green/yellow belly,
smaller than a mockingbird.  One of the two had a ruffled-looking head.
They sat in the pine trees and then together fluttered and flitted through
the branches.

Being from Charleston SC, these were nice to see for a change.

Liz Youngs
Mt. Pleasant SC