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South shore of Lake Phelps things

On Saturday (June 21), several of us saw or heard some nice animals
along the dirt road on the south side of Lake Phelps -- in Pettigrew
State Park or Pocosin Lakes NWR. Scott Hartley saw a Black Bear and a
Red Wolf early in the morning, and Jeff Pippen and I saw a Timber
Rattlesnake in the road, and heard a Swainson's Warbler in the pocosin
at the state park tract late in the day. I can't recall hearing a
Swainson's Warbler in the park or around the lake, or having read about
them there. 

Also, Jeff and I saw 4 Caspian Terns in a plowed field, with lots of
Laughing Gulls, that same morning just north of the lake. Alas, this
year we failed to hear any Dickcissels in the fields north of the lake.
Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
DENR   Office of Conservation and Community Affairs
1601 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1601
(919) 715-8697 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net