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Re: Portsmouth Island question

I just returned from a short trip to Ocracoke. And Thursday John Weske &
myself made a trip to South Point. We had great looks a Long-billed
Curlew, several Marbled Godwits. All the terns expected, along with
several black terns, with at least one in breeding plumage. I very
cooperative Yellow-crowned Night-Heron & seaside sparrow on the access
road. We saw no plovers at the point, of any kind. But were only out
there for an hour or so. Mosquitoes & flies at the marsh were bad keep
in mind if you take that trip to Portsmouth. Good luck.

Jim O'Donnell  (odjljl@ncnets.net)
Onslow County N.C.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Baron" <brnpelican@yahoo.com>
To: "CarolinaListserv Birds" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 1:24 PM
Subject: Portsmouth Island question

> Hello, birders.
> I'd like to visit the North Carolina coast for a few
> days in mid or late July, including Portsmouth Island.
>  In John Fussell's book, he describes Wilson's Plovers
> as being common in mid-summer and I think I remember
> reading that a few Long-billed Curlews pass through
> during that time.  Has the status of these 2 species
> there changed or is this still the case?
> Any help with this matter, as well as other "insider"
> Portsmouth Island info, would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Scott Baron
> Fairfax, Va.
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