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Avendex for Macintosh (and Windows) Now Available

Avendex, the revolutionary birding software that has enabled legions of
birders using the Windows operating system to explore the birding histories
of North and South Carolina with unprecedented ease, is now available for
the Macintosh (operating system versions 8.6-10.2.6).

No longer are the details of historical reports locked away on paper in
basements or private collections; now, this information is available to
anyone with a PC or Mac meeting basic system requirements. With Avendex, the
birding legacy left to us by the great birders of North and South Carolina
comes to life in a way previously only imagined. Avendex enables today's
birders to easily explore approximately 50 years of sighting reports for
over 400 bird species.

Although the $32 we charge for Avendex does not begin to defray the costs of
this massive undertaking, we at Redshank Software are thrilled to be
responsible for bringing this product to birders everywhere. To us, Avendex
is more than just software --- it's a gift from the birders of the past to
the birders of today and tomorrow --- we at Redshank Software are merely
serving as the medium.

The possibilities for ornithological discovery and understanding by the
average birder are immense. Detailed bird sighting information of such
breadth and scope has simply never been so easily available.

Avendex enables both beginning and advanced desktop computer users to
generate sighting reports based on species (or group of species), range of
dates,  state, or location (or set of locations). Users may effortlessly
peruse coastal, mountain, or piedmont reports --- or any combination. Users
may explore high counts for a species, and with the built-in Species
Analyzer, quickly analyze any set of sightings for study by time-of-year,
location, or physiogeographic area.

Find out more about Avendex (screen shots, demos, FAQ, ordering information,
etc..) at our web site:  www.redshanksoftware.com.  Please address questions
or comments to:  redshank@redshanksoftware.com or

Russ Tyndall
Redshank Software