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This am, I was driving to the barn and on the high voltage wire "pole" I saw
an osprey just sitting presumably waiting out the fog.  This was just north
of Hboro at the Catholic church.  When I went out to the pond in NE Orange
Co, I saw an osprey which I guess was the same one.  I watched it hunt for
several minutes until it went back to a tree.  I have a few questions re:
osprey hunting, are they able to judge the depth of the water?  the pond is
quite shallow right now and the bird dove down but pulled up probably 6-7 times.
Does the water have to be a certain depth for them to fish and not get injured?
Also, do they eat anything else than fish?  It certainly created a stir for
the 2 killdeer on the pond.  I flushed about 10 ducks earlier but couldn't
ID them.
Shall start scanning the pond before getting out of the woods.

Had an unusual goldfinch feeding posture today also.  i have one of the
feeders for woodpeckers and nuthatches with the holes in the sides, one of
which had been excavated by a woodpecker or an unmentionable mammal.  the
gold finch was hanging on like a woodpecker trying to get a sunflower seed
and I think it was successful.

Had an unknown warbler in the yard but it left before I could get the binos.
guess I should just take the binos out all the time even when getting the paper.

Thanks for the info on the osprey.

barb brooks
hillsborough, nc