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Floyd birds (lack of) at Jordan & Falls Lakes


Will Cook, Mike Tove, Harry LeGrand and I checked out Jordan & Falls 
Lakes in the triangle area of NC today after Floyd's passage last night.  
Unfortunately (for birding) Floyd seems to have gone too far to the east 
to bring any interesting birds.  As Steve Schultz already reported, we 
saw a hundred or so terns at Jordan Lake, mostly Commons, and 3 Black 
Terns.  Will also saw a large flock (ca. 50) of Forster's, and a couple 

At Fall's Lake, we saw NO Floyd birds.  Unfortunately, however Will 
spotted a couple of Fire Ant mounds along the roadside.

We also found fire ant mounds and NO Floyd birds at Lake Crabtree near 
the RDU airport.  Also saw NO Floyd birds at the BriarCreek Res. at RDU.  
Looking forward to reading the coastal reports.  

Jeff Pippen   	 				 jspippen@duke.edu
Botany Dept. Box 90342				
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708		PH: (919) 660-7278