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Re: Loads of landbirds at . . . Ebenezer Point?!

Josh Rose wrote:

> I eventually ran out of steam and daylight and returned here to Durham, 
> but with such a haul: 15 warblers, and 71 species total! If I could find 
> this much just between Ebenezer and Horton Pond, I wonder how many birds 
> were at Old Hope Valley Farm this morning? It just goes to show, anyplace 
> can be a birding hotspot on the right day...

Doug Shadwick covered OHVF Rd. yesterday and "only" had 11 species of 
warblers.  However, he did see a CONNECTICUT Warbler!  Other goodies he 
found were 3 Whip-poor-wills and a Nashville Warbler (which seem to be 
unusually common this fall).

I birded Farrington Point (joined by Rachel Harden for part of the 
morning), the Wildlife Observation Site trail, the woods between 751 and 
New Hope Creek, and the O'Kelly Chapel Rd. impoundment.  Best birds: Red-
breasted Nuthatch (early), Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (early), a Bobolink, 
and 14 species of warbler: 5 Tennessee, 1 Parula, 4 Chestnut-sided, 7 
Magnolia, 1 BTB, 3 BTG, 61 Pine, 3 Palm, 1 Blackpoll, 7 B&w, 12 Redstart, 
1 Worm-eating, 4 Ovenbird, and 42 Yellowthroat.  It was a nice day!

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7409
cwcook@acpub.duke.edu                 h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina