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Hi everyone,
      I've been waiting to see a Gray-cheeked Thrush this fall, saw my first 
one in the yard last fall.  Well, yesterday noticed 2 Wood Thrushes behind 
the house, then saw a diff. thrush with them.  From the quick look I got at 
it I decided it was a Swainson's, because it had some buff coloring on part 
of it's throat, but not sure, it might have been a Gray-cheeked but that was 
all I saw at the time.  Definitely wasn't any of the others.  Was kind of 
depressed, thought it would go down on my list with a question mark after it, 
(I have too many of those).  Never saw them again yesterday.
     This morning was a different story.  I glanced out the back window and 
saw a brown bird, flying low, had that thrush sillouette, uh-oh.  I grabbed 
my binoculars and saw 3 birds on the ground at the wood's edge.  2 Wood Thr. 
and a Swainson's,  this time I saw the eye ring and more buffy tones, a life 
bird.  All the activity was centered around one Dogwood tree.  I think there 
could have been between 6-10 Thrushes.  They were hard to keep track of as 
they would grab a berry and fly off.  Had some chasing eachother too.  Did 
see at least 3 Wood, a Swainson's, and a Gray-cheeked, after I set up my 
scope on a section of the tree.  They just wouldn't sit still and were 
blocked a lot by foliage, then would lose them as they flew into the woods 
between feedings.  This kept up for an hour or so. Also was limited by the 
window views I had, was afraid to move outside during all the action and risk 
scaring them away. 
     Also have a Hummer at the feeder still, saw Black-throated blue Warblers 
yesterday, and this morning had an Imm. fall Baltimore Oriole in with the 
Thrushes at times, with pinkish flanks.
     Had another life bird this weekend, a White-eyed Vireo, at the New Hope 
Cr. Impoundment.

Shelley Theye   
N. Chatham County, NC