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Influx of winter residents

We visited Glenn Hilton Park in Hickory, NC  this afternoon and were treated
to lots and lots of birds---most of them winter residents.  There were 30+
White-throated Sparrows, 7 Golden-crowned Kinglets, 3 Ruby-crowned Kinglets,
3 Yellow-rumped Warblers, 2 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, 1 Dark-eyed Junco,
and 2 Winter Wrens.  We were able to get excellent looks at both of these
wrens, surprising since they're usually so secretive.  We also had some
migrants still!  There were 2 Blue-headed Vireos, 1 Northern Parula, 2
Magnolia Warblers, 1 Nashville Warbler, 3 Tennessee Warblers, 2
Black-throated Green Warblers, 3 Common Yellowthroats, 2 Indigo Buntings, 1
House Wren and 6 Chimney Swifts.  There seemed to be unusually high numbers
of Eastern Phoebe present, probably more than a dozen where we usually have
two.  Chipping Sparrows, Pine Warblers, and White-breasted Nuthatches also
put in a appearance.  These three species aren't rare by any means in our
area, but uncommon in the park itself except for winter.  We also noted that
we did NOT hear a Fish Crow for the first time since late April.  Perhaps
they've moved down the river for winter already?

Dwayne & Lori Martin
Foothills Bird Club
Claremont, NC