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Myrtle Beach S.P. on 10-19

Hi Carolinabirders,
	I went to Myrtle Beach S. P. this morning birding from 9AM-12:45PM
The weather was Sunny with temperatures around 65-75 degrees, Winds were
from the east at Beufort Scale 2 (off the beach). It was more windy on the
fishing pier.  A total of 39 species including some interesting ones.
Brown Pelican-3 These birds were well offshore
Double-crested Cormorant-84 one migrating flock well offshore of about 80
Red-shouldered Hawk-1 immature
Am. Kestrel-1 adult male
Ruddy Turnstone-4
Ring-billed Gull-2
Caspian Tern-3
Forster's Tern-1
Rock Dove-7
Mourning Dove-2
Red-bellied Woodpecker-5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-2
E. Phoebe-1 heard only
Tree Swallow-150+
Blue Jay-70
Carolina Chickadee-7
Tufted Titmouse-6
Carolina Wren-1 heard only
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-1
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH-1 This bird was studied carefully for about a minute. I
am wondering if it was not of the race aliciae based on the olive gray
back. Of interest this bird had a more washed out medium gray on the rump
and especially the tail, not appearing olive at all. The lower mandible was
basally yellowish less than half the length of the bill. The eye ring was
white and barely discernable. The upper breast featured the mushy spots
typical of the species with a buffy wash on on the bigger spots nearer the
flanks. Does Catharus minimus aliciae migrate through this area? While the
bird was in the underbrush it did have rather good light on it.  
Gray Catbird-1
N. Mockingbird-3
Brown Thrasher-1
Loggerhead Shrike-1
White-eyed Vireo-1
Blue-headed Vireo-1
Red-eyed Vireo-5
Black-throated Blue Warbler-1 female
Pine Warbler-2
Ovenbird-1 first year plumage
Hooded Warbler-2 both adult males
N. Cardinal-4
E. Towhee-3
Song Sparrow-1
E. Meadowlark-1
Common Grackle-5

	Curiously the Gray-cheeked was in the same exact location as a
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's type I had last May.  In addition for a brief
moment I had the Gray-cheeked Thrush, Hooded Warbler, Black-throated Blue,
Catbird and Kinglet in view at the same time.
	A birder's high if there ever was one.

	Butterflies seen were Common Buckeye several, Monarch, Silver Spotted
Skipper, Cloudless Sulphur, and Gulf Fritillary. 

Jack Peachey