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A comment on hunting

Carolina Birders
If I may be allowed to comment on the following inquiry.

in connection to the hunters thing, maybe somebody could answer a question I
have been asking myself for ages. Why would you call places where you can
hunt Wildlife Refuges? To me that sounds like a safe haven?!? Just a
question, I don't mean anything by it. I am not anti-hunting, I have never
tried it, but it doesn't really appeal to me either. What may be of
interest: in (northern) Europe (like England and Holland) there is a bit of
a different attitude towards hunting than in the US. It is considered a rich
man's sport or even something of the past the nobility tries to hang on to.
For instance: most dutch people are against hunting, but the royal family
goes merrily hunting on their estates.

Anyway, if somebody could explain, I would appreciate.

good birding,
Jan-Joost Bouwman

My reply:

With all due respect Sir or Madam, one of the great things about the United 
States is that we have NO nobility and that anyone can hunt if they abide by 
the laws of the land.  It seems unlikely that you have visited any of our 
Wildlife Refuges in the US and witnessed the abundance of wildlife that does 
indeed find refuge there.  Managed hunting and the monies derived from such 
activities are critical to the balance of wildlife as well as funding of 
conservation efforts.  This is a great nation that allows freedom of speech 
and the expression of differing opinions.  From your note, I suspect that you 
love Europe and would be miserable in our country.  I must also note that I 
know of no great exodus of anti-hunters fleeing the US for Europe. 

If you get the opportunity to visit the southeastern part of the United 
States this winter, I will be delighted to personally lead you on a tour of 
our Wildlife Refuges and offer you a different prospective.

Good luck and God Bless
Robert Sargent
Trussville, Alabama