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Huntington Beach S.P. on 11-7

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Gary and myself birded at Huntington Beach S.P. today, 11-7.
About 55 species, more or less. We birded behind the secondary dunes at the
North end of the park (no Short-eared Owl), and the jetty and carriage
path. We tried to look into Sandpiper Pond from the beach side going
through the campground but the marsh grass was so high we couldn't see into
the pond, 
Pied-billed Grebe-2
N. Gannet-3 all immatures
Brown Pelican-18
Double-crested Cormorant-200
Great Blue Heron-6
Great Egret-6
Snowy Egret-2
Tricolored Heron-4
White Ibis-48
Ruddy Duck-1
N. Harrier-4
Peregrine Falcon-2
Clapper Rail-9 heard only
American Coot-1
Black-bellied Plover-3
Semipalmated Plover-10
Am. Oystercatcher-2
Ruddy Turnstone-12
Purple Sandpiper-3 on the jetty first this fall for me. Right on time.
Short-billed Dowithcer-30
Laughing Gull-6
Ring-billed Gull-50
Royal Tern-6
Forster's Tern-16
Mourning Dove-15
Belted Kingfisher-1
Tree Swallow-50
Tufted Titmouse-1 heard only
Carolina Wren-2 heard only
Marsh Wren-1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
Hermit Thrush-1 on the jetty of all places.
Gray Catbird-1
N. Mockingbird-4
Cedar Waxwing-1
Loggerhead Shrike-1
Yellow-rumped Warbler-200
Palm Warbler-1
Warbler sp-One of those confusing fall guys either Palm, first winter
female Magnolia, or first winter female Prairie.
This is what is looked like. Smallish Warbler, pale yellow underparts,
unstreaked gray crown, whitish markings around eye as in Prairie Warbler,
but lacked a supercilium, back grayish with blackish streaks, narrow white
wingbars, white in tail no, yellow rump, when it landed on a branch the
last time it pumped the tail up and down. It could be the last item was
from the Palm Gary saw in the area earlier.Any help?   
N. Cardinal-3
Field Sparrow-1
Savannah Sparrow-50
HENSLOW'S SPARROW-1 The classic olive green face was clearly seen along
with the rather flat headed appearance. This bird was located among the
secondary dunes and walked out into an open patch of sand where it was
clearly seen.
Seaside Sparrow-1
Song Sparrow-3
Swamp Sparrow-3
White-throated Sparrow-4
Dark-eyed Junco-1
Red-winged Blackbird-30
E. Meadowlark-1
Boat-tailed Grackle-5
Common Grackle-3
Brown-headed Cowbird-1 female

	"Don't forget sometimes you have to look up".

Jack Peachey