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I saw something this morning that caused me to take a double-take and then
a triple-take etc, etc.....  Maybe you can explain it to me.

I saw several vultures and then the sun caught a 'white' bird with them. 
Being on the coast, I did my usual "it's just a gull" routine, but then I
noticed long legs like a wading bird.  I was ok with that, too, just
assuming that it was flying past, as opposed to flying with the vultures. 
Then I realized it was flying with the vultures!  I saw them circle
numerous times together.  This bird clearly appeared to be a Wood Stork
with its black and white wings, long legs, long neck and beak.  But how can
this be.  I'll admit that a stork's head is as ugly as a vulture's but what
in the world do they have in common that they'd be soaring together???

\\    ~
  (   )        Mary Myers
  ^ ^   Charleston, SC