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conservation funding bill (fwd)

Hi C-birders,

CARA, a bill providing funding for conservation, is about to come up for 
a vote. I will post some details below, followed by the names and contact 
information for some US Reps from NC (I don't see any from SC on the 
list) who are on the House Resource Committee. Anyone who lives in these 
Representatives' districts please try to convince them to help. This post 
comes from GABirds, where someone posted the complete list of Reps; 
anyone who has contacts in other states who might help with this should 
visit http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~siler/GABO.html#992551 to view 
the rest of the list and spread the word... Thanks!

While I'm on the conservation soapbox, does anyone know the population 
trends for Double-crested Cormorants in the Carolinas? According to posts 
on MASSBIRD, the USF&WS is about to release a management plan for this 
species in northern states where it has caused some damage in fish 
hatcheries and has been accused, probably unjustly, of affecting wild 
game-fish stocks. Just wondering if this will become an issue for us down 
here someday soon...



Subject: conservation funding
Jim Ozier <jim_ozier@MAIL.DNR.STATE.GA.US> 
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 09:20:55 -0500

Here is the latest on the CARA conservation funding mechanism.  Please
read and act quickly!  Thank you.

Jim Ozier
Georgia DNR
Forsyth, Georgia


From:      Naomi Edelson 
To:        EPD-TT.SMTP("teaming@sso.org")
Date:      11/5/99 1:09pm

To All: Included in this email in the text and as attachments are three
things. 1) Action Alert, 2) List of House Resource Committee Members with
their tel, fax and email, and 3) email list in full of committee members =
pull right into your email database.


**************PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY*******************

Action Alert



The House Resources Committee is planning to mark-up CARA next Wednesday,
Nov. 10! This is the moment we've been waiting for! Congratulations to 
Team Teaming!

This is our chance to thank members of the Resources Committee who 
support CARA, reaffirm their support for the vote and ask for the support 
of those that are still uncommitted. Getting the bill out of committee 
with a strong vote of support is our immediate goal.  When this happens 
there are probably enough votes to pass it on the floor.

Most of the issues that have kept CARA bottled up have been resolved. 
Chairman Don Young and Ranking Democrat George Miller are anxious to move 
ahead. We're at the critical juncture we've glimpsed for months on the 
horizon. Now is the time to harness our collective energy and push CARA 
over the hump.

The wildlife title remains rather noncontroversial but it can not move 
without the rest of the bill.  Unfortunately a handful of property rights 
groups that primarily oppose additional Federal land acquisition as part 
of Title II have vowed to defeat CARA during mark-up.

Unless we express our support for CARA as loudly and passionately as 
these very vocal activist groups, we may lose critical support. 
Republican support particularly will be essential to getting a successful 
vote out of committee and then bring the bill to the floor.

Our mission is clear, and time is short!

We need to convince all members of the Resources Committee to vote for 

We've all worked hard to get this far . . . let's roll up ourselves and 
make sure CARA receives the support it deserves.

The most important thing you can do is call, fax or e-mail members of the 
Resources Committee and urge them to vote for CARA!  Attached is the list 
of members. Send this message to colleagues, friends and family in other 
states and encourage them to do the same.

Additionally, the Resources Committee is accepting comments via email at: 
CARA@mail.house.gov . Let's make sure they hear loud and clear of our 
support for the bill especially Title III.

Here are 10 reasons to support CARA:

1) CARA is the most sweeping and significant piece of conservation 
legislation in half a century.

2) By providing increased funding for wildlife programs, CARA will reduce 
the need for costly and disruptive endangered species listings.  It will 
help ensure that common species remain common.

3) The bipartisan bill before the committee is the result of extensive
negotiations between Republican and Democratic leaders.  It is sensible,
moderate, consensus legislation!

4) CARA has the support of a huge coalition of businesses, conservation
groups, sportsmen's organizations, and municipal leaders.  Forty-nine
governors have expressed their support for the basic concepts in the 

5) CARA keeps decision-making at the local and state level, not in D.C.

6) Sportsmen will no longer be the only ones contributing financially to
wildlife conservation programs.

7) CARA will provide much needed funding for greenbelts, playing fields,
trails, and neighborhood parks.  Outdoor recreation is essential for 
healthy families and boosts the quality of life for all Americans.

8) CARA will help protect and restore the nation's coastline. It will 
help states and coastal communities mitigate the impacts of offshore oil 
and other types of development.

9) More than 125 members of the House and 21 members of the Senate are
cosponsoring CARA. CARA's time has come!

10) CARA provides a way to invest revenues from the depletion of the 
nation's oil reserves into something of lasting value for all Americans.


Call, e-mail or fax as many members of the Resources Committee as 
possible. Tell them why you support CARA.  Pass this message on to as 
many people as you know. If you have friends or family in states with 
Resource Committee members, please send them this message.

On the next page is the contact information you need.

generations will thank us for having worked so hard to pass this landmark
bill.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call Naomi or
Sara at IAFWA at 202-624-7890.



Walter B. Jones, NC
Phone: (202) 225-3415
Fax: (202) 225-3286
Email: congjones@mail.house.gov

Robin Hayes, NC
Phone: (202) 225-3715
Fax: (202) 225-4036
Email: robin.hayes@mail.house.gov

Naomi Edelson
International Assn. of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
444 N. Capitol St., NW
Suite 544
Washington DC 20001
tel: (202) 624-7890
fax: (202) 624-7891
IAFWA Website: http://www.sso.org/iafwa
Check out the Teaming with Wildlife web site: http://www.teaming.com

Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Zoology
